Chicken soup is one of the most painless and pleasing recipes a home cook can master. This soup has all the classic flavors (celery, carrot, parsley) but...
This American classic can be a perfect dish: big-tasting, filling, nutritious, easy and very possibly vegetarian. With their rich natural broth, turtle...
This simple, refreshing gazpacho-like chilled soup depends on the sweetness of the watermelon, tempered by the addition of olive oil, vinegar, lime juice...
This creamy, vibrant soup is a Thai-inspired version of the puréed squash soup you know and love. The green curry paste, which is relatively easy to find...
A staple of any fast-casual restaurant, broccoli-cheddar soup has somewhat of a cult following on the internet. Thicker than cream of broccoli, this roux-thickened...
This bisque is the best chance for a home cook to shine. Adapted from the recipe of the Carlyle's executive chef, James Sakatos, it contains one of the...
This creamy vegetarian soup is built on humble winter staples, but the addition of sour cream and chives make it feel special. (Crumble a few sour-cream-and-onion...
A simple French soup that works well regardless of which vegetable gets the emphasis. This is a simple French soup. If you want to vary the proportions...
Thick and creamy, with no cream, this tastes so much richer than it is. I use a small amount of milk to thin out the soup, but you can also use stock to...
Borscht, an Eastern European beet soup, carries with it strong associations of dark, ceaseless Russian winters. But this glistening borscht is meant to...
With a higher ratio of broth to barley than one usually sees, and the addition of plenty of fresh baby spinach, this beef barley soup is a little lighter...
Here the tawny hue of the cooked lentils blends well with the sweet yellow-orange winter squash. If you're looking for Halloween colors for a dinner main...
Tendrils of quickly cooked eggs, seasoned with cheese, nutmeg and pepper, float in a meaty stock in this traditional Italian soup. To avoid clumps that...
This comforting soup is inspired by a Middle Eastern chicken soup. It's great with or without leftover turkey - don't hesitate to pull turkey stock from...
A sweet and savory mixture that works well as a soup. I've always loved the combination of celeriac, potatoes and apples, which I first tasted in France...
Pam Panyasiri served a version of this simple soup at her beloved restaurant, Pam Real Thai Food, in Midtown until it closed in 2001. It is not a staple...
This light, classic Roman soup may be all you want to eat for a few days after Thanksgiving. It's traditionally made with chicken stock, but why not use...
A refreshing and light soup that can be an appetizer or full first course. I could drink this refreshing consommé for lunch every day. It makes a very...
This is an intriguingly sweet winter squash soup, based on a recipe by Ghillie Basan from her wonderful book, "Classic Turkish Cooking." The sweetness...
This basic recipe can serve as a canvas for any kind of chunky soup. Mix and match ingredients to suit your cravings, using an aromatic base of onions...
A fragrant soup that lets the flavor of the vegetables shine through. Parsnips contribute sweetness and texture to this fragrant soup. I used water, not...
Not everyone in a household wants to watch football games on Sunday. For those looking for an excuse to wander in and out, nothing beats cooking. A slow-simmering...
The cookbook author Jennifer McLagan developed this recipe for a simple toast soup, a rustic dish that stretches leftover bread into a comforting meal,...
Fish chowder is the type of dish you might find in England at a country pub or in a fishing village. But the addition of Quahog clams and intensely flavorful...
This simple, refreshing gazpacho-like chilled soup depends on the sweetness of the watermelon, tempered by the addition of olive oil, vinegar, lime juice...
Here the tawny hue of the cooked lentils blends well with the sweet yellow-orange winter squash. If you're looking for Halloween colors for a dinner main...
This is an intriguingly sweet winter squash soup, based on a recipe by Ghillie Basan from her wonderful book, "Classic Turkish Cooking." The sweetness...
This comforting soup is inspired by a Middle Eastern chicken soup. It's great with or without leftover turkey - don't hesitate to pull turkey stock from...
A staple of any fast-casual restaurant, broccoli-cheddar soup has somewhat of a cult following on the internet. Thicker than cream of broccoli, this roux-thickened...
This comforting soup is inspired by a Middle Eastern chicken soup. It's great with or without leftover turkey - don't hesitate to pull turkey stock from...
Modeled after a classic Greek egg lemon soup, this is one of many light, comforting soups that make a nice home for leftover turkey. If you haven't made...
This creamy vegetarian soup is built on humble winter staples, but the addition of sour cream and chives make it feel special. (Crumble a few sour-cream-and-onion...